Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I went to school today and I’m finally through with my clearance. After paying, signing and everything... Clearance… DONE! I proceeded to EAMC to get my signed cases. Heck, it was so freaking hot! All taxis are occupied, and it seemed that everyone was out. Good thing, I had my good friend Ryan who shared with me the burning heat of the sun while we spotted and chased the taxi cabs. Finally, a new good looking Toyota Vios halted in front of us. God is so so good! For 100 bucks, we conserved a liter of our sweat from the fatal heat in riding a jeepney. And the manong driver was also nice to us.

When we got there, I fortunately bumped into Ma’am Burgos, my former clinical instructor in East Avenue Medical Center. She is busy as a bee that you can barely see her around. She carried out minimal tweaks on my minor cases, but it can be handled. Too bad, I have to go back again on Monday but this time I got her mobile number so I won’t have to leave my cases again in DR for her to sign… Gee, it takes like a lifetime there! After that, we took our chance in going to Sta. Monica in Marikina to see Ma’am Vane, but she hasn’t gone back yet from her week off. But I had the scrub nurse signed them. Cases… NOT YET.

I’m glad that I had a very productive day today and I’m giving myself a deadline until Wednesday for the cases to be signed and passed to the registrar. The deadline of PRC registration is on the 18th of April and I still have enough time to finish. I think I’m doing a pretty good job here.

I am dead beat but writing a journal about how my day has been, somehow unshackle my strain. Plus: Knowing that there are 2 gorgeous guys waiting for me to come home.. what more could make me feel better? Thank God for hubbies and babies.. Thank God for the people you call family! So I guess I’m done for tonight, I’ll see you guys tomorrow. I got to go dwell now with my hubby and kid and snooze.

ZzzZZ zZZzz zzZZZzz…..